Dirty, filthy, disgusting link building. You love it, don’t lie.
Ok you don’t have to love it, but if you’re a smart SEO, even in 2015 you’ll respect it. Tactics come and go but many tools have remained a staple of automated link building for one main reason, they work. With the right operator behind them and an effective strategy all the tools listed below can be used to create a solid ranking system.
Proceed with caution, for once you visit the dark side and taint your white hat SEO virginity, it can not be undone. It is also highly recommended that you drink at least one beer while operating these tools. Unlike operating heavy machinery, it is actually beneficial to consume alcohol while link blasting.
Rank Tracking and Research
This is my favorite rank tracker, it’s easy to use an packs a shitload of features. Not to mention it’s reliable and doesn’t break the bank. The pricing is really the deal breaker for me when compared to other services. $25 per month for 500 keywords? Yeah I’ll take that.
Give me that data baby, hard to get by without a subscription to SEMrush. Sure you got the keyword planner but this beast takes it next level. Keyword research at its finest, and you can use my coupon to get a free month and get your grind on at no cost. Yup, you’re welcome.
Now this is one sexy tool relatively new to the game, it’s in the rank tracking category but does quite a bit more than that. This beast tracks the whole top 20 for you and enables god mode. This is the tool that will allow you to spot updates and other activity before anyone else, seriously good shit.
Backlink Checking
Of all the backlink checkers out there, Ahrefs is my preferred tool. Although I am a fan of Majestic’s TF or Trust Flow as well.
Expired Domaining and Hosting
For a solid host when it comes to your average money site, SiteGround is definitely legit. They have great support and fast servers. My bueno. Hosting is such a pain in the ass, this is a host who won’t be for you. Just want to host a simple site and have it not load terribly? Well look no further.
This is the tool I used to find that 90% of my awesome domain snags. Freshdrop pulls expired listings from most of the big domain registrars and gives you a huge range of metrics on each domain. Some of my favorites are, Majestic SEO backlinks, PR, Fake PR check, Archive.org records, google indexed pages, age, traffic, .edu links, .gov links, dmoz listed, and a ton more.
Link Building Automation
GSA Search Engine Ranker
This is by far my favorite link building tool right now. It is crazy flexible and able to do just about anything when it comes to spam. For tier 2/3 links it can’t be beat, combine it with Kontent Machine and you can literally set up tier 2 blasts in a matter of minutes. As if the price of GSA wasn’t already ridiculously low ($99), here is a discount that works for both SER and captcha breaker and drops the price a bit more.
Do we even need to go there? If you do SEO then grabbing a copy of ScrapeBox is like bringing a calculator to Math class, it’s that important. So get on it. Haven’t heard of SB? Shame on you, now go read this guide.
Content Creation Tools
Kontent Machine
Using Kontent Machine and GSA you can literally blast an unlimited amount of links. Since Kontent Machine allows you to export GSA ready templates you can literally pump out campaigns in a matter of minutes. My VA can churn them out all day.
Wordai is used for auto spinning content. It’s the premium solution for auto spinning, a step up from the Best Spinner and with the right settings can be used on the first tier with low outputs.
Proxies and Captcha Solving
Here is where you can get some proxies to run with GSA or Scrapebox. I did a brief comparison of the top proxy services also if you’re interested. Quality proxies are crucial to running GSA correctly, they make all the difference when it comes to pumping good link volume
GSA Captcha Breaker
This captcha breaker has saved me literally thousands of dollars in captcha cost. It runs along side GSA and several other programs cracking a huge % of captchas for free beyond the initial cost of the software.
And that’s all folks, as the times change this page will be updated with the latest tools for automated link building and everything that goes with. As of now this is my lineup.
If you have a question about any of these tools and their effectiveness, please leave a comment below. After posting this some solid questions came in and most of the value is now in the comments and replies. So hit me up!!
Great compilation of Link Building tools and services, Jacob.
A question, how would you place the link building tools (including RankWyz) you’ve mentioned in an overall good-to-bad order?
RankWyz provides more control over your links as you build links on your own network of sites. Link Emperor is powerful but getting the wrong links can often get you in trouble. I’ve heard a lot about GSA as well, but haven’t used Ultimate Demon.
Thanks Rohit, I wouldn’t put them in a overall good to bad order, they’re all badass tools.
GSA could be used for the entire link building process if you are on a budget, it’s very versatile and can build all three tiers.
Ultimate Demon kicks ass for building web2s and having granular control over you first tier.
Rankwyz is used for creating and managing a blog network for web2 sites and your own self hosted domains.
Link Emperor, less control but still some effective links, for those who want the hands off approach.
Thanks for the reply! :)
Could you tell me more about how UD & GSA really work? I mean, with RankWyz you manage your own network and post to own sites. With LE, you basically offload all the work to vendors.
What do UD & GSA really do when it comes to posting in blog networks?
UD has built in money web2 sites and hits open source platforms such as Jcow, elgg, mediawiki, etc.
Articles, web2s, wikis, docshare, bookmarks, directories, can be used on tier 1.
GSA hits practically every platform on the web, literally.
Same as UD and more, but GSA is a bit tougher to manage for Tier 1 for most people, it can blast some serious volume if you’re not careful.
They can all be used in different ways, GSA alone can run money campaigns, UD can be used for tier 1 and GSA tier 2/3, Rankwyz blog network with GSA tier 2/3, the possibilities are endless.
you said bookmarks and directories are for secondary linking to each tier here you say in tier 1? and you left out docshare, scribing
Meh those links suck anyway.
Lately I’m just running 2 or 3 tiers of contextuals with the typical spam comment type links for a capper. Getting the job done proper.
Hey Jacob,
Take a look over at Wicked Article Creator, it puts Kontent Machine in the dog house. Auto-build database export campaigns for GSA, UD, SENuke, and more. Totally worth the miniscule investment they’re asking for. Latest addon allows you to build Tier 1 content from either WAC’s article repository, or your own HDD library of articles that are professionally written.
Either way, it’s completely worth the investment and something I can’t do without in my arsenal. A bang-up list of starting line-up programs, that’s for sure. Thanks again!
Thanks for the tip Dan, I haven’t looked into WAC but definitely hear good things about it.
Might have to add it to my arsenal as well.
In your opinion out of Ahrefs and SEO Spyglass, which one is better and why, I am looking for an honest and battle hardend opinion and none is better than Jacob king.
Cheers, :-)
Ahrefs, game over.
linkresearchtools game over
Now that was surely helpful!
I hope you don’t mind if I ask a few more.
Do you generally intralink Tier 2’s & 3’s?
In the most important campaign, would you do Tier 4’s? If so, what’d you use? The one you used for Tier 2-3’s?
Do you recommend consciously building contextual nofollow links as well? I’ve seen some do this (Ahrefs ftw!).
Do you think anchor-text diversification is useful when you’re targeting a single keyword? Generally, public information is easily accessible by Google employees and if they see lots of BHW people going for AT diversification, don’t you think they’ll be more easily slapping them?
Typically I build 3 tiers, but in some cases this is not neccesary. Also the third tier could be mainly for indexing if it’s more volume based links
You always want a natural mix of nofollow and dofollow in your backlink profile. Just like you don’t want ALL sites with PR, have mainly high PR sites, some 0s and some NA. Just like a natural link profile would be made up of.
Anchor diversification a 100% necessity. If you hammer the same anchor, easy red flag. When creating a diverse set of anchors and spun correctly, Google employees could see it all day. You’re emulating a natural link profile which is the purpose.
IntraLink = Link one site with another of the same tier. For example, linking out to another Tier3 site from one.
Okay, get your point about nofollow links.
I found something interesting while looking at the backlink profile with Ahrefs of the ‘Rand Fishkin black hat case study’ post by Charles. It was nearly 100% exact-match anchor text (i.e. Rand Fishkin), and his blog hasn’t been penalized yet since he published that months ago. He does use varied nofollow/dofollow, though. What’s your thought on this?
Nah no point in wheeling them together, that’s old school, like carrying a huge boombox on your shoulder or having a gigantic brick cell phone.
I hand’t look at the anchor text, but when a site has some decent links and other on site signals, what would normally get you slapped will get you an adda boy from G. My thought is every site and every SERP is different making no one sized fits all anchor text ratio formula. Look at whats working and use your gut is my best advice.
Thanks, Jacob.
“…but when a site has some decent links and other on site signals, what would normally get you slapped will get you an adda boy from G.”
I’ve been thinking the same after looking at the backlink profiles of posts on some of the bigger and reputable sites utilizing grey hat SEO.
Great article as always Jacob. When building the tier 1 links with GSA, how do you handle the anchor text variations? What % do you use for keywords now?
This is a tough question to answer as it is niche specific and site specific. Depends on the existing links and what’s natural for those SERPs you’re trying to rank.
5-20% Exact
15-40% Partial
5-15% Generic
15-40% URL and Brand
Those are the ranges I like to play with.
Don’t you think GSA or any other automated link building tools are black hat seo practices.
Not really, just spamming.
Hey Jacob, I’m a new fan and quickly trying to absorb as much as possible. Appreciate your writing style and info share. You are very inspirational to me.
I’m just getting started on this side of the fence and don’t have the extra dough to get all of these tools right off the bat. Was planning on getting scrapebox, then spending on some proxies to get started.
Would you recommend GSA search engine ranker over scrapebox? Sounds like it does it all.
Or better question: if I could only buy one of these tools (not counting the captcha and other supporting tools), which one would you recommend?
Thanks and have a great day!
Hey Rex, great question.
If I could only choose one, it would be GSA as it can scrape and post all in one.
But combing ScrapeBox and GSA is a no brainer. Especially considering SB is $57 and crazy multi purpose.
That way you can use ScrapeBox for harvesting target sites and other prep while GSA is boss hogging on the link building.
The Article scraper premium addon for $15 is another win that you could run GSA tier 2 stuff with. So to answer your question, GSA SER.
Solid. Thanks for the additional insight and suggestions!
Hi Jacob, what’s the ROI on these link building tools, especially the first one you listed? Will you get any good links out of them, or is it more quantity over quality, with the chance of getting penalized.
Tough question, I’ll do my best here.
The ROI is dependent on the model and verticals you are trying to rank in. If you’re smart and have a nice honey hole to continuiosly extract from, the ROI can be insane.
If you start small, which I recommend, you can easily hit the BE point on the cost in a very short time. The magic is being able to create a replicable highly profitable model or vertical to continuously go after, then you’ve basically got your own ATM.
The question is tough because, many people will buy these tools, flounder around and look for the nearest tire to kick. Some will pick it up incredibly fast and be a force to be reckoned with. Others will pick it up at a normal pace (like myself) and grind it out for a while, many will give up before seeing the real success.
Bottom line is these tools work, and work very well. Creating a solid set of contextual tier 1 links and pushing contextal tier2 links at those with some buffer links is highly effective.
It’s definitely not more quantity over quality, although you can play the game that way. I don’t personally but there are plenty of guys who do and making sick returns. Goes back to the model, they have highly profitable churn and burn model which they keep going on a consistent basis. I like to continuously roll out sites but not at a churn and burn rate. From my experience, I tend to make way more mistakes when scaling link building campaigns greatly diminishing their effectiveness. Versus the alternative of just setting up a handful of campaigns very carefully.
There’s always a chance of getting penalized, always. Even with the whitest hat on the planet. What if your competitor decides to run a blast at you? Penalty, no questions asked.
The choice is yours Pete, the money is out there, are you gonna take it, are you man enough to take it?
Hi Jacob, Rankwyz sounds pretty good but I just wanted to add in a service for social signals. I’ve used Syndd and it is pretty bad, however I’ve found “drip revolution” to be quite useful when simply trying to gain signals. They’re not exactly “quality” signals but we all know that “quality” signals are the ones you earn. :P
I’ve been looking for something like Rankwyz and if it is what you say it is then what a gold mine! I’ve been looking for avoiding one post blogs and building up an actual network. That would be great and coming up with content is nothing for us.
Thanks again. Legend!
Hey thanks Nick, yeah Syndd is a real piece of shit, and I always misspell the name.
Since I haven’t discovered an alternative other than Fiverr, it serves its purpose. I’ll take a look at Drip Evolution and post back. Yeah dude, crazy potential with Rankwyz, also with backing it up with GSA SER. A truly epic combo.
There are tons of techniques for generating more content and upping the post count. Rss, Press release, short YouTube video posts, short image based posts, short highly spun ~200 word blurbs, manually spun articles (ideally with the target link placement and never more than one spin per blog), scraped auto spun articles, and more.
What does Scrapebox have to offer that basic google searches don’t? You say you search for “footprints” in SB.. but couldn’t I just find those pages with a google search and build links according to their “authority” ?
p.s. your fucking awesome Jacob
ScrapeBox has so many uses I could be here all day, but this should make sense.
How long would it take you to do one Google search and grab all 1,000 resulting urls? Then how long would it take to run 10,000 more?
It would take me about 2 minutes and a six pack of beer. 2 minutes to set up scrapebox, then about 2 hours to drink the sick pack while Scrapebox runs ;-)
P.S. Your p.s. made my fucking day.
You can repost with ultimate demon to web 2.0 s
That’s right you can, it’s just not like Rankwyz in you can continually post and schedule content to your blogs on auto pilot for several months without many of the UD hassels.
You can also pull content directly from Kontent Machine into Rankwyz, intgrate with GSA, manage your own hosted WordPress blogs (you simply paste in the logins in a campaign), rss feeds, press release feeds, automatic video, image insertion, and tons more. A new feature people will love is the ability to remove all links in one click. You simply type in the url you want removed from the network and Rankwyz goes out and takes them all down.
If you want the top sites to stick, Rankwyz is the best tool.
Jacob: How do we post to existing web 2.0 properties with UD?
I was just about to start using rankwyz because I was sure all UD could do for web 2.0 properties was creating spammy 1-page blogs like keyword.wordpress.com which is obviously a red flag if you have 10s or 100s of such shitty sites linking to your money site.
You can repost in UD, I have never done it but I know it’s possible.
Rankwyz is pretty badass tho and can’t compare to using software for blog building. You’re right, single page blogs won’t hold up well for creating a solid link profile. GSA SER in a recent update added an entire field to reposting, very nice with the serengines.com addon. Try looking into that.
be careful, this is all an advertisement and they are all referral links. OPINIONS EXPRESSED MAY BE MOTIVATED BY MONEY
Thanks genius.
How come your comment got approved? Everything may not be about the “kwan” then
Hey Jacob, why would someone use multiple tools for link building automation? I would think that if you really like one, you would stick with it. But it seems like the norm is to use more than just one.
Because they all play their role in creating tiered links.
UD for example is more granular so you can be more specific about the sites and PR you choose on your first tier. As you move out more volume is required hence different tools. GSA can pump out some serious links which makes it perfect for tier 2 and 3 link building. Also your link profile might be a bit limited just using one tool.
Hi Jacob man. Thanks, good list although rankwyzer was the real eye opener. Had never heard of it and seems like more of a long term solution building out “proper” sites.
Some great Q&A too which really adds to the value of the post.
Also, Jeremy, thanks for the heads up dude.
Dude, I’m officially a groupie. Your content is so bad ass. Just picked up some proxies from Squid.
I was researching Syndd and I love the concept, but I can’t fathom the implementation being as straight forward as they suggest. With the new MOZ report, it shows that social signals are an important factor in search engine rankings. Does syndd actually get you facebook, google plus and twitter love?
Also, during my research I have come across a similar product- Socisynd. Are you familiar with it? Wanted your feedback.
And by the way, after you dance with Google and get her all hot and bothered, can pass her my way so I can undress her and take her to bed lol.
Thanks Jordan, sweetness, squid it up.
No social love in the Moz report? Shit, check last year, they were probably sucking social off hard.
I haven’t tried Socisynd, that has a Warrior Forum thread sales page right? That makes it like a 99.9% chance of being bullshit. Syndd is decent to add some static in the signals for Google, especially if you have some manipulative shit going on. But there is always a better solution out there, from my experience it’s good enough. Reassuring right?
With G+ social ranking snorrelation, we know they can see the ripple effect on G+ from a solid piece of content (since it’s internal), and it can often be pretty obvious. But different niches have different tendencies with social networks, along with G+ not having huge penetration yet. Half the time I wonder with some viral shit on Twitter if all the scraper links are giving the site the boost lol.
Since people with really popular profiles get scraped hard, if a bunch of those “influencers” tweet your shit, scrape, scrape, a bunch of crappy backlinks that will short term boost. We also know that Google crawls twitter constantly, they have to make an algorithmic evaluation of the twitter accounts tweeting stuff for legitimacy. It all factors into the big rank pie in the sky. How much each slice is made up of…who knows, who cares. I just try to throw as many good ingredients in as possible :-)
Just going to hijack your post and add in some more tools (hehe) –
Link Building Auto. –
SER Engines to add onto GSA SER
Wiki/Social Bomber for massive spam
Then you’re also missing out on things like uBot and general botting creation programs to do specific jobs, should add one of those in as they’re awesome if you’re wanting to do tasks on scale easily :P (Not just Link building as well)
Link Checkers –
C’mon, Majestic is good when you do Root domain level :P
Content –
iWriter, you didn’t include any actual content makers e.g. real written shiz, which then you can use a manual spinning service or TBS to manually spin it.
I always recommend either MegaRDP (When they aren’t sold out because they’re ossum) or RackSpace cloud < which is super easy to manage, affordable and offers easy IP changes.
Social Signals –
Social Empire, awesome service on BHW with nice delivery and drip feeding!
Expired Domains –
ScrapeBox can be included again here :P
Also, I'm always on Moonsy's expired domain page (it's cool) and don't forget NameCheap marketplace < Which is so underused it's scary, picked up a PR4, 6 year old .info for $15 on there the other day LOL!
Would you consider using an article spinner in your white hat / gray hat seo campaigns?
Outsourcing articles that are uniquely written for a blog network adds up in money very fast! I’m finding this out…. blah
Of course, spinning is crucial to any sort of volume submissions.
Fantastic post and fantastic blog. Yes, I know. My comment seems as a spam but it isn’t. This is what I really think after browsing your site. I stumbled upon with your blog thanks to the fantastic guide about Scrape Box. From now on, I’ll follow any posts you will publish.
Hey guys – I’ve used synnd, socialadr, onlywire with tribe pro and SociSynd for social signals and links –
Socisynd is by far the easiest, cheapest and best out of them . The actual warriorforum thread has a $1 trial and its cheaper than the website price.
Thanks Jason.
Hi Jacob
I’ve been reading your blog for a while but have only recently started to appreciate it.
These are some great tools you’ve listed unfortunately I haven’t had the luck to try all of them out yet.
Besides these which tools you use for keyword research ?
Hey Nazir, for keyword research I use ScrapeBox, keyword planner, SEMRush, and Excel.
Keyword research has been a pain since google moves to the keyword planner – I used to use market samurai but they went down hill and no longer provide data from google.
You should take a look at a new tool called HQSuggest – it’s a new keyword tool that was released after the latest google hummingbird update – it’s a “how to” and “questions” based keyword suggestion tool – I’ve been using it loads and have found some grey long tails. Just plug the text file into the google keyword planner and you get all the data you need – the best thing about the tool is that it cost under $20
Son of a bitch, I had that same f$%king idea. So simple, just take you list of “hummingbird” modifiers, merge with keywords, suggestion, it’s magic pay me $77.
I have my own query modifiers, scrapebox, semrush, keyword planner, and I’m golden. The planner is merely used for checking volume and it’s got a 3000 keyword limit which I am planning to create a work around. Some sort of script that takes a lise of like 20,000 and runs 3,000 over and over exporting the data each time.
clevergizmos …. check his keyword tool. ubersuggest x infiniti
termexplorer is the bomb for insane digs – semrush is a great starting point too…. though 25k digs rock…
but clevergizmos is great (2 tools) for longtails… which of course make for great anchors but are useful in craploads of other ways.
that all said. anchors i am convert to very different way of looking at it all which im gonna shove a sock in my mouth and keep few things priv. for the moment
“clear cut Ahrefs finds way more than the completion, every time.” – you mean ‘competition’? :)
Ha, thanks Rohit.
Jacob… King… Love the post here, some really useful tools for the pro and amateur have a go hero too!
Fivvvverrr social signals, eeeek it must be hard times? or 2010 all over again – but freshdrop is indeed a great site for drops, there used to be Domrescue for UK domains but that stopped working in Oct now, grrrrr
Yes great post Jacob thanks for sharing, never used the proxy site before and off to look at that rankwzy thing now, seems interesting!
Churn em n burn em Jacob! Thanks for the list here, proved v. useful!
Great Info Jacob! Thanks
What is your recommendation for keyword research?
I use Scrapebox keyword scraper, Semrush, and my competitors usually.
Wow. These are really best tools for those people who build bulk of backlinks for their websites. Some people always look for free tools but I myself using “scrap box” a paid tool for researching high quality and relevant resources for adding my website’s link. It sounds like weird as you used the word “dirty” for these linkbuilding tools. I also used “ahref” for complete audit of my website’s backlinks as well as traffic. Those people who are not aware from these tools can easily get an idea from your reviews about that tools which will be helpful for them to choose one which they like :)
What part of the Philippines are you from? If you’re not it sure sounds like you are.
Haha. :D
You have you mentioned many link building tools, can you tell me which is the best or any tool that you have personally tried.
Hi Jacob,
Thanks for a very informative and helpful post..have you used any of these to build links to this site? Or are you using these only for tier 2 backlinks?
The reason i ask if the DA for this site is only 39..there must be some reason you are not using these tools for this site?
The reason I ask is that I have a site with similar stats and wonder how I can use these tools to build traffic to it..
Do you think it is safer to use these on an older site that has lots of content? Or is the risk more in that case?
Appreciate your input…
Hey there, I haven’t used any tools on this site. Some dick head neg SEO’d me with GSA SER, besides that my links are natural.
In that case the DA metric goes out the window, you can easily spam up DA, it is pretty much worthless besides showing you a site *might be good/
Yup you cant rely on DA only, rightly noted it can be easily manipulated. One good thing about majesticseo is their trust flow and citation flow. They are no good for anything else.
But when im buying a domain then i do use their TF and i use Moz to check domain authority.
Lol DA << Good indicator that a domain MIGHT be good. But given I could spam a domain up to DA 50 in a few weeks makes it only go so far. Personally I qualify initially by PR, then DA, then manually check ahrefs and web archive.
Hey. Jacob.
Great information here.
I am have one the question.
I am want to buy GSA ranker. But this software works for youtube videos?
I am will use this software for mostly my youtube videos.
I am confident you can rank YouTube vids with GSA, lmao.
Thank you very much for kind and helpful response.
I will purchase GSA by your the discount link. But can you tell me about
which GSA I prefer to buy ?
GSA ranker or GSA captcha breaker ?
GSA is the actual submissions software, Capthca break just solves captchas.
You need both to really dominate.
Good list. I have tried most of the tools. Will check out Synnd. Thanks.
Yea, I love black hat :D But not at the cost of harming other sites. The Best Spinner is a handy tool and also, I use Long Tail Pro to get sexy keyword ideas.
I do Yamaka hat SEO.
I’ve got so much to learn, nevertheless, great article! I’m thinking whether or not I should give up odesk and learn about SEO techniques myself … .
Maybe, comments like this can’t be getting you far.
great article, i am a chinese, and i am dancing with google too .lol
A great free online rank tracker is [removed for being a spammy half assed marketer] – check it out
any free tool available? also what about legal white hat options?
Hhaha, damn those black hats and their illegal ways. Hooligans.
Hi – I just bought scrapebox through your link with the $40 off.
I think it has downloaded but how do I run it?
All I have is a load of files in my download but haven’t got a clue how to operate it. Please help! All I am trying to do is scrape urls on weight loss to promote my e-book to raise funds to build a school in Kenya. Thanks for any help.
Hrmm, you should install it and then click the icon to open it. You also need some proxies.
Thanks for this post, It’s really helpful!!
No problem spunt!
Hi Jacob,
Thanks for the valuable information. what do you think of Senuke over GSA ?
Senuke is pretty much done. GSA is where it’s at these days.
hey i just buy SB , from you link, firstly thanks given so much discount.
i wanted to know few thing , from sb i wanted to gather my keyword targeted website list meanly Web 2.0 and wanted to build my T1 backlink from that list . what footprint i can used for that and which software i can used to build my T1 Link. i know i can used UD any other software i can used.
Lol, I get no credit for those damn SB sales, everyone thinks I do lol. just a discount link that’s been floating around blackhatworld for years now. Figured I’d be a good guy and save people the monies, sorry Srappebo but at the same time fuck you you greedy bastards for not making me an affiliate.
You need many footprints for the specific platforms that produce quality T1 links.
Drupal, wordpress, etc.
I use a lot of those tools but it all adds up, ahrefs for example costs already 99 dollars a month..
Gotta pay to play.
Whats the difference between Gscraper and scrapebox??
When it comes to heavy scraping, Gscraper is the king of the castle. Plus the proxy service they offer for $68 per month pwns even 100 private proxies in Scrapebox.
SB still has tons of uses and is must have for any SEO, but if you do big time scraping for GSA, Gscraper can’t be beat.
How do you feel about PowerUpHosting for your VPS? Do you run all your toys from one VPS set up?
Thanks, awesome site, just signed up for your SEO Secrets, the copywriting on your lead capture form is brilliant, did you split test? :)
Hey Michael, I have been running on Powerup for a while but it is not required at all, it really depends on the scale of your operation.
If you’re just dabbling in some weekend warrior spam sessions, bust out that old dusty laptop and run on there. You ALWAYS need proxies of course, but a VPS is just optimal, not required.
And hey thanks! You noticed my ninja warrior guru samurai marketing skills, not a single split test run, just stuck some crap in there. Which reminds me I’ve been wanting to offer a free download of some sort which would easily boost optins by 10 times, gotta heard them sheep!
What are your thoughts on SocialMonkee?
No thoughts, haven’t heard of it. In my experience on competitive queries, social just isn’t pushing ranks enough to matter. Links, links, and more links.
Another typical affiliate filled post proclaiming a love for programs that just so happen to pay you for refferrals
Haha, it’s one of those people. Affiliate links, danger, danger! Sorry bud it’s called the Internet, get used to it.
Awesome and very useful post. I would like to say that gsa is awesome tool i have used this software in trial period.
Oh I bet you have Mr Singh
Hey Jacob, great post. I noticed you had already said Ahrefs kicks butt over SEO Spyglass but what tools do you use (or which of these) to automate prospecting and contact on a mass scale? LinkAssistant w/ a built in email client helps to track and do that as part of the whole SEO PowerSuite. Since you didn’t mention them in your list, which do you feel do a better job?
“GSA Search Engine Ranker builds backlinks 24 hours a day. Not based on a database of submission sites, it will find you new websites for you and submit your website”
So these are directories they are submitting to?
Please expand on “Since Kontent Machine allows you to export GSA ready templates you can literally pump out campaigns in a matter of minutes.”
Never really used that powersuite stuff, ahrefs and majestic are going to have them beat on data, that’s what they do is crawl backlinks. As for that outreach type junk, not my game so I wouldn’t know anything there.
GSA submits to a bunch of engine types, article, bookmark, directory, wiki, social, etc. I’m spamming different link types depending on their location in my tiering.
Yes KM is a nice little spam factory that scrapes and mashes up content and outputs it in a template which you can upload straight into GSA with very little thought.
How do you like gscraper? Ive read that there support is terrible. I want to use there scraper along with gsa but there proxies are not transferable to other programs. What is your opinion?
Gscraper is the shiznital bam snip snap snip.
Their proxy service kicks ass, $68 per month and it’s way better than any set of 100 private proxies I’ve ever had.
My only concern is that i will have to buy additional proxies to run my GSA SER. I was thinking of buying scrapebox using that with free proxies then buying 100 proxies for posting with GSA SER. Wouldn’t that make more sense since i can not use GScraper proxies on third party programs?
Yes you would have to buy additional proxies.
I have always used a dedicated set for GSA separate from my scraping proxies anyway so it wasn’t a change for me. If you’re just trying to use one set both for scraping and submitting then I can see that, for some light blasting you could get away with that. Just can’t ever have them running simultaneously which slows things down a bit.
Very informative article. Thank you for this post.which GSA is best an what would you prefer? how does GSA works?
Here is the free 18th one. hanks for the list Jacob :)
Hey Jacob,
What software would you recommend for a complete newbie with a few hundred bucks to spend? So far the only money I have made online is about 500 bucks through freelance writing and 500 bucks through Amazon marketing, over a little work over the course of one year.
In order to seriously get into black hat SEO and start making money using money sites, it seems the most badass cost-effective software solution would be to buy GSA and Kontent Machine. Using these two softwares, it looks like you can completely automate the whole link building process without giving a quack about contextual backlinks with unique content, as Kontent Machine totally handles that part.
What do you recommend?
GSA Ser all the way, regardless of your cash situation. Well there is Xrumer, but steeper learning curve and higher price. Wac or KM, some shared proxies, get it going.
Also going to need Scrapebox. But that should be plenty to get your hands dirty.
Which Software it better to Use to Build Backlinks.?
GSA Search engine ranker
Do you really need a paid social signal service like Syndd? Why not bot 10.000th of points with imacros on addmefast.com and shoot these signals all over your moneysite? Sure they are crappy, but not worse than Syndd and work for me.
No you don’t, Syndd suck ass honestly, whoever runs that piece of shit service should repeatedly punch them selves in the face then jump off a bridge. I’m removing it.
Thats F’n hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh so much with your brutal honesty? LMAO!!!
Haha yeah buddy, cracking myself up with that one.
Just looking for the top tools you would suggest Jacob, to get some three tier link building going? I also would like to find someone to teach me how to effectively use them. Where would a (automtated) newbie find such instruction.
GSA search engine ranker + BlackHatStacks
Hi Jakob – I’m a new addition to your list and enjoying the experience! We need more honest and communicative language in this business!
A question: Onlywire vs Socisynd for YT Vids – what do the experts consider to be the be the better way to go?
Meh both of those services are shit. You trying to syndicate the vids or do social signals to them?
Hi Jacob, how’d you rate Gscraper over Netpeak? I’m very intrigued! Also, do you know any online tools (besides seo quakes check urls function) that can get SEMRUSH SE Traffic in bulk? Looking for a quick fix solution here rather than turning to the API, which ultimately would be best…just something quick n dirty – you know how it is ;)
Cheers in advance
Ps, I ain’t a robot, and I ain’t spam, I don’t have a money site…so no need seer MC…that’s just uncouth! – Besides which I don’t think he’s answering much these days….
Look fwd to more of your posts
Ha yeah MC is busy counting his stock earnings and chilling now it seems. Gscraper is my shit, use it regularly as my heavy scraper over SB. Never used netpeak, but gscraper + the proxy service is quite beastly.
Your site is one of those HOW-TO sites that I wish I had discovered years ago. A real treasure on explaining BH, listing the tools involved and details on using them and so on. All that hard to find stuff.
Not only do you list the tools you use, you go into detail about them and what they can do for someone’s Bottom-Line!
Add to that the fact you are listing some additional discount links (like the extra $40 off Scrapebox) for purchasing these tools and I can hardy contain myself. I’m bouncing off the walls.
One suggestion.
I know you have already briefly outlined the various stages of a BH and the tools needed, the time commitments, the fees involved and so forth.
But do you think you might ever throw together an outline, for each stage?
Actually a better word would be a “Flow chart” or “Cheat-sheet”.
With a 1st stage flow-chart, moving to a 2nd stage flow-chart, etc.
Whether you do or not, this site is incrediable.
I’m traveling at this moment but look forward to getting back into your site in more depth when I get home.
Thanks for the suggestions man, seriously. I might get back to blogging here soon, but for now my focus is on Blackhatstacks, this is where I’m putting in the work posting about true BH and how to properly spam.
“Wordai is used for auto spinning content. It’s the premium solution for auto spinning, a step up from the Best Spinner and with the right settings can be used on the first tier with low outputs.”
So you do not think WordAi outputs highly variable content? I use it for my Tier 1’s and I average 50 posts per 500 word article. While I am certainly not a guru, I was under the impression that for Tier 1, WordAi was as good as it gets on automation.
Yeah wordai is great for T1 when you use it right.
What do you think about tools like Onlywire or IMautomator?
No thoughts, isn’t onlywire like some bullshit ass social bookmarking tool?
By far the best article on this topic :D
Hey Jacob,
Kontent Machine or WAC? or both?
I use both actually, KM for tiering usually, WAC for more fine scraping.
Solid post. I went back to find it… which was easy: you front paged google for linkbuilding tools :)
I would recommend GSA Search Engine Ranker as i have seen people use it and succeed.
Oh thats cute
Hi Jacob, a simply question, after all that’s going on algorithms and penalties, GSA is still a good buy?
For sure, all in how you use it and what kind of sites you’re building, it’s still a huge part of my campaigns.
Which is the best online article creation software , relevancy is much required
KM for completely hands off use.
Hi Jacob King,
I have use GSA Link Builder soft after read your this article. Though It was Trail Version. I want to Buy it To make huge links for my Web2 and Tier sites.
I have a Question, If I use Paid GSA then Has it the ability to break Captcha or I have to buy another captcha breaker ?
You’re going to need a captcha solver also.
Hey Jacob. Very tempted with WAC as it’s a lot cheaper than Article Builder, but your link goes straight to the shopping cart. So I was wondering, is it discounted? And would that be the basic or premium version? Basic does Tier 2 quality only, Premium has Tier 1 quality option and some other features. After manually writing and spinning a single article I’ve pretty much seen the light and am ready to heed your teachings on the gospel of automation.
Ha word, manual writing, nah nah nah, fuck that shit.
Hi Jacob,
The Wicked article has two versions 1) WAC Basic $35 2) WAC Premium $75 ($60 if upgraded from basic) on their site. The one which is mentioned above is priced at $40 but is it WAC basic or WAC premium
Great Job Jacob. Do you recommend GSA for Tier 1 ?
I owe you, Jacob. You’ve converted me to a spammer! I already got myself a Scrapebox, WIC and a GSA SER and in a process of building myself a “Spam-box” – a dedicated hardware PC with a dedicated internet line (thanks neighbors for using WEP, lol).
You gonna see me as a blackhatstacks member pretty soon!
Hi Jacob,
You mentioned Ranwkyz for building Web2 and other uses, what do you think about Money Robot?
Don’t know anything about it, I think it’s pretty old though.
Almost two months, tried every single thing I can imagine to work out ScrapeBox.
I bought new PC didn’t work
I tried on another two PC didn’t work.
I uninstall every security software didn’t work
I change my activation code did not work.
I add on to firewall safe list didn’t work
I disabled many programs I thought it might be interfering
I did search every single available forum and ScrapeBox guru to help me.
And never got reply.
And today, whole Saturday tried and tried still didn’t work.
I check all my drivers and hard wares update and still didn’t work.
Than I got this software by accident “DriverEasy”
What other tools couldn’t find any update for the sockets, drive and many more….
DriverEasy find 33 update and missing files in the OS.
It took me more than 8 hrs to update and install all these updates and missing files.
After all completed, I reboot my PC and and open the SCRAPE-BOX
It worked, I can’t believe my eyes….But it worked.
I am sure this is not very common problem to have.
I am not sure why and when all this thing happen (missing files all that)
But for sure it did solve the problem.
If anyone out there having similar problem like the one I had…
They must try these these procedure like I did.
Yes i am smiling and very happy to challenge and overcome this problem without any ones help.
I thought someone out there might be interested to know….
Holy jeebus.
Hi Jacob,
Could you guide me what is the best link building tool.I just want to rank my youtube videos.
I never used any tool before.
GSA SER + CB my man, quite a bit to learn though.
What if you can’t fucking afford these tools?
Then you’re fucked.
Hi Jacob King,
How do you see Article Spinning today in 2015 with the post Panda and Penguin era? Can we actually still use them today?
Of course, relevant + unique = good to go.
HI Jacob, I have hard time to figure out does tier link building works? the answer out there are confusing, what is your opinion?
We dig into this quite a bit on my forum but I’ll give you my brief opinion. Tiering isn’t what it once was, is it still useful? Sure, different markets and strategies can surely utilize tiering.
With that said, I’m having successful campaigns *without any tiering at all these days, does that mean I’ll never tier anything again? No, but for the most part I’m doing what works and no need to over complicate things. Running T1 and dropping in an indexing service is performing well for me.
Also you have people who are building tiers incorrectly and wondering why it’s not working. You also have to consider that, not to mention they could jut be running GSA shittily from the start.
Solid post. I went back to find it… which was easy: you front paged google for linkbuilding tools :)
Haha yeah, S that D google!!
What software would you recommend for a complete newbie with a few hundred bucks to spend? So far the only money I have made online is about 500 bucks through freelance writing and 500 bucks through Amazon marketing, over a little work over the course of one year.
In order to seriously get into black hat SEO and start making money using money sites, it seems the most badass cost-effective software solution would be to buy GSA and Kontent Machine. Using these two softwares, it looks like you can completely automate the whole link building process without giving a quack about contextual backlinks with unique content, as Kontent Machine totally handles that part.
You need KM, GSA, and GSA + CB. Let’s not forget gscraper.
And a PBN if you wanna rank something big.
Jacob, I have been reviewing your comments and what not throughout a few posts so I’m kind of sort of not really sure about this question. You say that Tiering isn’t really what it used to be so you’ve seen success just doing a T1 with your indexing and other links to T1. I’m sure this is for the “easy” stuff so I will try tiering as well.
To build T1 you have mentioned Rankwyze – is this still you’re recommended to do T1?
I have decided to join your BlackhatStacks this weekend (gotta time the subscription dates so I maximize the weekend reading time)…My question is inside BHS is Rankwyz still talked about? Or other solutions like FCS Networker? Like I said, I’m gonna join but I wanna have all the tools lined up and ready to go. All I need is BHS membership, Proxies, WordAi, and “some tool to build T1”.
GSA SER, GSA CB, GScraper (just bought like 20mins ago), KM, VPS, Scrapebox…I’m almost ready to go Dirty Harry…my goal is to start hitting some micro niche sites I bought a year ago, no SEO, earnings are up in the air depending on the day.
BTW, I can’t seem to find the post where you outline the monthly costs based on “Dirty Harry”, “The Terminator”, “The Eisenberg” etc. what happened to it?
Yo dude, yeah we def cover my current views on tiering thoroughly in the forum. I’m not using any web2.0 crap these days, all effort are towards PBN and GSA of course. Oh yeah that article was kind of dated, I’ve leaned it out so much since then, just deleted and 301d the bastard.
Thanks, I did join btw…a couple weeks late but better later than never! I haven’t gotten access yet to the forum (seems my payment got caught up and amember is working on it though) so I haven’t been able to read any tutorials or discussion inside. I’m foaming at the mouth and don’t want to bother your support person(s).
So if you’re not using web2’s in your tiers, what are you using then? I understand if you can’t answer publicly though…if I read your reply correctly you’re just hitting straight GSA and PBN to your site is all? No tiers at all like in your last post about flawed tiered link building and how to alter it?
Thanks again, can’t wait to be let inside!
Not using web2s like the big ones .wordpress etc since they often get deleted and it’s a pain in the ass to use tools like serengines to automate building them. Poor success rates combined with them just not doing much different than a quality contextual link on another GSA platform.
I can recommend you one service – (Deleted, son), for safe links.
Not up in here buddy, not up in here!!!!
I just came across your site, love it. Here’s my question….do you have any recommendations where I can go to learn the “basics” of this stuff from square one (if it’s not already here on your blog posts)? I’m just not familiar with a lot of your terminology and it’s killing my reading comprehension. Sorry if this is a dumb question…just trying to figure out the best way to learn.
If the answer to this question is the Forum, my apologies in advance.
Well, I have this post on building your general understanding for BH SEO. But the real secret is tons of hustle and testing, which is no secret lol. And my forum offers some killer information but it’s more geared for intermediate to advanced users. Really gotta just put in the sweat.
Hi Jacob,
Sheesh! Thanks for all the great info here – you just made me pull an all-nighter just reading!
Like so many others here I’m a noob and I’m tired of playing by the rules when Google keeps shifting the fucking goal posts. Anyway, this is what I’d like to do and just wanted your opinion or pointers…
Churn and burn approach using the basic system Noob Warrior used in his test.
GSA, GSA CB, Wicked Article Creator, TBS as tools to start with.
I’m a little strapped for cash (for now!) and figured a bootstrap system would work to get me going. So, I wanted to go with your idea of an extra machine at home to act as my VPS.
Do you think that will work as a combination for now?
What amount of proxies do you think will suffice for this kind of project?
P.S. You’re a fucking legend!!
All about that action, I love it.
Yes that’s about all you need to get rolling, minus the obvious stuff like a hosting account lol. I use 50 shared proxies and I’m golden so you could get away with less. Since you’re strapped you could do like 25 proxies and run on ~20 threads. Problem though, you’re going to need some sort of external scraper to get more links for GSA to build.
Gscraper + proxy is another $66 per month plus cost of software but the best way to get it done. You’re going to neeed scrapebox also so I suppose you could use that with your shared proxies and go light threads, just won’t be able to run GSA while scraping and that’s not very many proxies to do some serious scrapes.
Besides that you’re on the right track, ser + cb w/ WAC or KM
Hey Jacob! Great content you really opened my eyes into the black hat SEO world lol ! I have been asking one question that in every single SEO blog I ask nobody answers. The thing is, that I have been reading about making tier backlinking BUT with unique hand made web 2.0`s. I know that it might seem like a pretty dumb question, but what do you think of it, could you rank a website making maybe 100 web 2.0s with high-quality content in a tiered linking model? I saw this method on Gotch SEO btw, but wanted to know what you think about this technique. Thanks a lot, sorry for the long comment!
Lol, “hand made web 2.0s” that’s retarded. First off, web 2.0s aren’t what they used to be, so building them by hand is kind of silly. Like making them look “natural” when a lot of them will get taken down anyway and the link value is going to be damn near exactly the same as just auto genning them with a bit of skill. So why put in all the time for these web 2.0s?
Must be idiots I guess.
Can try to automate the creation with like serengines but even at that the success rate blows and they don’t all stick. My advice is focus on building higher power GSA contextuals which will carry damn near the same effect as some web 2s, either manual or automated, or sprinkled with fairy dust, same result. That and building more/powerful PBN.
Hy. Very congratulations on your blog. Seems very useful and a beautiful small comunity. What do you think about Money Robot machine? Can it get the job done?
No idea, no need to even consider. GSA + PBN is getting it done. I don’t see anything beating the level of control GSA provides. If it aint broke, don’t fix it!
For somebody that is just starting out, gsa can be a bit overwhelming… And has some additional costs to…
Yup, it sure does. You can keep things as lean as possible, but no matter what you’re going to have expenses like proxies and captchas, after getting all the necessary software.
hey Jacob
this is awesome post and im big fan of you :) :) :)
can i use kontent machine + the best spinner = article for Tier 1 ?? if its yes how many quality this ?
thank you
Sure you can, it’s not going to be perfection though. You can also try using wordai with KM. Wordai being the best auto spinner out there. There are many ways to generate unique content for SER, try some settings with KM and test the outputs in copyscape, see if they are coming out unique. I also use WAC, the one thing I will say is this, the more content you have the better. Uniqueness is crucial, relevance, meh, it has to be close. There is also the option to use the keyword stuffer in GSA if your niche is really specific and requires generating super broad content.
This Is pure Gold, Jacob I gotta say I am impressed with your site and style. I’m looking at buying the Hostnine reseller program and am curious about the pingdom records comment you made and am wonder what they are and what they do?
Just a bit of sarcasm saying you’re not going to be setting any speed records with the host9 accounts, but for the price you can’t beat it. Just use it for what it’s intended for, a handful of PBN domains since you can create accounts on different servers with unique IPs and for super churn and burn money site tests. Like the other day I ran some wicked GSA spam only tests, just threw em up on some host9 accounts real quick.
If you do a good bit of spamming and host PBN then the $20 per month for host9 can’t be beat, that is the point I was hoping to get across. Thanks for dropping in dude.
You know Jacob, I just lost 50% faith in Matthew Woodward. I have reading both of you for the last 2 years, and back in late 2013 I bought Licorne AIO based on his tutorial, as I’m trying to really learn and do the best practices of SEO.
So he did this long tutorial, and I bought it. After that, Silence in his forum and elsewhere. Then yesterday I read that Licorne is basically a waste of time, and to just basically do what you list above and use GSA and don’t look back, to quote one guy.
SO now I checked Matthew’s most recent comment about it and the member asks if he’s still using Licorne, because his video seems like he really does.
his reply was an astonishing “I never used it”. I was really irritated by that. I would not have bought it, and would have taken the hit with GSA.
I’m not going to go in his forum and post my annoyance, but I am telling you that I will rely on your information exclusively going forward.
Anyway, thanks for being straightforward. I don’ t mind having bought it, but it seems to be ill supported.
I like to learn how to do things, and buy better tools. The other day I bought a cheap screwdriver kind of tool, and when you go to screw in a screw the screwdriver shaft turns in the handle. Doesn’t turn the screw.
I feel that way about Licorne.
Anyway, thanks for providing an alternative to Matthew. I’d rather pay YOU than get his stuff free.
Weird I remember that post he did on Licorne or whatever, definitely assumed he had used it from the like 20 minute walk through video.
GSA all the way man, funny thing is it’s always been that way.
Like Ultimate Demon does the same exact platforms as GSA, then has some built in ones that suck anyway. So you get a shitty piece of software that will build links like dog shit, then you get some predefined sites that blow and probably won’t even get successes on.
No glamorous marketing for GSA, no huge affiliate commissions, but it’s the best and most versatile tool in the game.
Hi Jacob,
I agree with hatescheese, This was pure gold! I learned a ton, but more importantly I laughed my
ass off the entire time. Your smart ass yet honest sense of humor mixed with such awesome content was refreshing and inspiring. Made my night!
P.S. I fucking love you too!!
Hell yeah, thanks Jaeda, that really is the point haha. Half of em push the unsubscribe button and throw a little white hat bitch fit, the other half get a laugh *and learn something, then my mission is complete ;-)
Thanks Jacob, been reading your stuff for awhile now and have just jumped on the Scrapebox gravy train via your aff link. Bought some squid proxies and ready to see how much damage I can cause.
Hi Jacob, thanks for the handy list of link building tools. I will try some of them!
Besides that I have found another link building tool but i’m not sure if I should buy it. It’s called ‘one-way backlink tricker’ and found it here. Do you have any experience with that tool and do you recommend it?
Thanks, Luuk
Wow that’s bad, or nice try. Link chop!
Hi Jacob
Really nice list you got here, btw, for spinning, spinrewriter, spinnerchief and chimprewriter are great tools too :)
And for automation, FCS goes hand in hand with GSA SER, and SEREngines work nicely with GSA.
I wish Hrefs was cheaper!
Wha lol? Goes hand in hand with “GSA SER” and works nicely with “GSA”? They are the same thing, that is one of the most confusing sentences I’ve ever read.
Hello sir,
Thanks for the great post.
I have some doubts on this topic – Can I run this software on my own laptop having 4GB Ram or should go for VPS? I’m not so good with this VPS.
What should be internet bandwidth to get the good performance with this GSA SER (I’m now running with 5MBPS).
Should i buy private proxies separately every time I run this software?
Please give me your valuable reply. What are the basic requirements to run this software successfully?
Thanks in advance. I will be waiting for your reply.
Hello sir, you can run the software on a laptop yes, I run it on a spare laptop actually. Umm, I’m a bit drunk currently and can’t remember, 5mbps, hrmm, no idea.
EVERyime? You pay for them monthly and get a new set each month if you’d like. You need a laptop that isn’t a piece of shit, like a few hundred bucks.
great site + list.
Do these tools operate in other languages (e.g. German), too?
Greetings Sascha
Of course, you either use German content or use the translate macros.
Hi, Jacob, great share, thanks very much. Always get great methodes on your blog.
Do you use any indexing service? In order to get your site’s outlinks indexed.
Yeah I use a couple of them but they have recently lost some of their effectiveness. Running a T2 or T3 contextual layer with some misc spam pointing at the last tier helps also.
Hi Jacob!
Awesome Post! Keep it up…
I want to know is it necessary to use VPS server to run GSA Ranker.
Nope definitely not, read this post for more info – https://www.jacobking.com/how-to-cancel-your-vps
Hello, by purchasing the gsa I will have some tutorial to help?
Well you’ve got the GSA forum and lots of other resources out there, but no by purchasing the GSA you will not have some tutorial to help, it’s on you to figure everything out.
Hi Jacob,
Awesome post. Love every bit of it.
Just want to ask you about GSA ranker, It builds socialbookmarks and web 2.0’s, can it import a list of sites that I have registered for SB and Web 2.0 and use those sites for different projects? Would that be possible?
Am just interested to know the capabilities of GSA ranker. Do you have any article that explains how GSA works?
Not sure I’m totally following you but if you have a list of sites GSA can post to then yes you can use them over and over as long as you have proxies and captcha solving. The possibilities are endless with GSA if you have some tech abilities, literally the program can do damn near anything. Out of the box though there are tons of platforms it can post to.
Hi there.
Didn’t have the time to comment earlier.. but here we go!
In the past 4 or 5 months I think I’ve tried more than a dozen of the tools you’ve listed in the article. I have actually liked Ahrefs though you actually have to pay for the membership and it’s pretty daunting.
The best spinner is also ok but let’s be honest, this manual spinning tool isn’t that high-quality. Anyway it works perfectly well when you need some bulk content to place on the web.
For social signals though I have to say that I wasn’t that much satisfied with Rankwyz though. I used it for I think around 2 months..
DripRevolution is what I’d actually recommend, still signed with them! They don’t really focus on building ‘quality social signals’, but hey, it’s about naturally getting them! But they have positively impacted by business for sure.
p.s. great article Jacob! It’s in my faves now! ;)
Hi Jacob Excellent link building tools u have mentioned. Iam afraid of one thing , did automated link building with GSA is Worthy for our main websites or useful?
Never GSA anything you aren’t totally willing to lose.
Great list. Why are you not updating your blog?
Funny you ask that, cuz I’ve posted a shitload lately.
The function I was looking for in SEnuke was the automated social media accounts creation. Are there any other tools that automatically create a series of social media accounts?
Nah, and senuke is shit at doing it consistently on the bigger platforms.
Ubot or some custom shit I’d think.
hey Jacob, nice article. I was wondering your opinion on link building services such as link emperor. Dunno if you’ve heard of it but it’s kinda the article spinning / writing / submission of many types of links, but the price is outrageous. Just wondering if you’ve ever tried it and what your experiences were?
Meh it wasn’t anything special years ago must be 100x as shitty now days.
It was like a mixture of different people’s SEO services which were all meh to begin with that you could place orders of their shit.
Hey! I am like no money and i can afford only scrapebox or GSA (like just gsa with out captcha) this month. I am into getting both of them but i cant decide witch is more important to get first. Also im not into getting KM since i wont create english content . I want to position specific pages of my site.(yeah my budget is of $100)
Lmao, you can’t afford GSA…
That’s going to be a rough road buddy.
Wow so many software here buy i prefer GSA work like heaven bro.. I also can dance with matt cutt hahahaha.
Stop lieing.
Oh my Gosh, just finished the last comment. I kept on reading in a hope that might i get answer to my question.
I also wanted to know
How to use GSA when u are a beginner? No answer ( Route is difficult)
What to do when budget is tight? ( The answer is not only u have to buy gsa but also many others)
Can i use gsa if i can learn how to use on main and serious website? ( couldnt find answer)
Hrmm, yeah you’re fucked I think.
Great recap Jacob! I’m looking to buy one of these services you listed here, but prefer to be on the safe side. In your professional opinion, which link package from the ones you listed is least likely to be penalized? That’s what I’m interested in. Thanks!
Huh? Link package? Any link package is going to be shit.
Hi, Jacob.
I had seen a better than seo index software in your post, I forgot what name it is.
Them shits is done son.
What do you think of ZennoPoster and Footprint Factory?
Shit and shit
Hey Jacob,
Nice Article man!
I have seen broken link analyser in Scrapebox (but never used) and I was about to buy Screaming Frog for Broken Link Analysis.
Which one you woud suggest for Broken Link analysis?
Thanks in advance!
I’m confused.
What do you think about socialadr tool, Can we use it to boost organic growth?
Sounds like some bullshit
You have mentioned very expensive tools here, would you like to mention some cheap tools? I’ll wait for your next post regarding cheap tools
Lol, gotta pay to play buddy.
Any updates on this page? Still recommending GSA?
If only I could fine the time, for the average user GSA is about as dead as disco.
Is GSA still good these days?