Along this SEO journey you might find the need to outsource certain tasks or even hire a virtual assistant. After personally outsourcing a range of SEO related work over the years I'm going to share my process so you can do likewise. Before we get started though, you need to do a through analysis of the tasks that need to be outsourced and have a ... Read More →
SEO tutorials, ramblings, shenanigans, theories, and more.
Broken Link Building Is Easy Kids!
Today we're going to watch a quick video of how you can use Scrapebox to check broken links. Sure this broken link building stuff is a bit white hat for me but hey who am I to judge? What I can't handle, is watching my fellow SEOs waste shitloads of time doing things manually that can be accomplished with something like Scrapebox. After seeing a ... Read More →
SERPWoo Review – How to Enable SEO God Mode
What the hell is this tool SERPWoo and why do we keep hearing about it everywhere? Well if you've ever browsed some of the big internet marketing forums like WickedFire then you've likely heard of "CCarter". Now this dude is a straight hustler there is no doubt about that. You guys can easily find more of his work with a few quick searches. ... Read More →
The Hustler’s Guide to Making SEO Money
If you're deep in this SEO game then chances are you got into it for one main reason: the money. If you didn’t and you’re on some philanthropic quest to rank websites for non-profit organizations then good for you, but most of us are out to make a buck, actually a lot of bucks. I myself found SEO several years ago and quickly became obsessed with ... Read More →
10 Reasons Why You Suck with GSA Search Engine Ranker
There you are sitting in your home office staring that ugly ass UI of GSA Search Engine Ranker and wondering where it all went wrong. Is spam dead? Did Cutts crush everyone and retire? Well don't worry, before you start punching someone in the face, realize that there are plenty of SEOs out there in your same shoes. GSA SER isn't some magical ... Read More →
The Beginner’s Guide to Blackhat SEO
Welcome folks, it's the beginners guide to blackhat SEO, the mysterious art of spamming the SERPs. Where does one begin and where does one end? When you have hundreds of different opinions just on what exactly "blackhat SEO" even is, how can one begin to learn this dark art? Well hopefully you'll find after reading this guide that the ... Read More →
How to Cancel Your VPS and Still Keep Spamming
Many people think it's required to have a VPS (virtual private server) in order to spam links or run scraping software, well the truth is it's not at all required and most people can get by without it. If you're just doing some occasional scraping then you can even do this on your primary system, but if you plan on doing some spamming and/or ... Read More →
The Great Big Super Spammy SEO Giveaway
Welcome to an epic event in the history of SEO spam, in this insane contest we will be giving away over $3,000 in tools and services to one lucky spammer. Winner take all, this massive package is going to change the life of one eager SEO ready to dominate SERPs. What's Included Free membership to Free GSA search ... Read More →